Saturday, January 24, 2015

Second Verse.... Same as the First


There is an old children's song that goes like this....

This is the song that never ends... It goes on and on, my friends..... Someone started singing it not knowing what it was.... and they'll continue singing it forever, just because...  (and repeat over and over)

As most of you know, Ryan has relapsed. A small tumor taken from his right lung is Ewings Sarcoma.  We feel as though we have been thrown head first into that children's tune, and that this nightmare journey we started on Nov 6, 2012 will never end.

Ryan had the lung resection surgery on Wednesday, Jan 21, 2015 and came home the following night. We did not tell him of his cancer recurrence until we were at  home with his family all together. I will never forget the look in his eyes the moment we told him that we are in the fight again. He had a flash of terror, and then despair. His eyes pooled with tears that were just to much to shed, and his lip started quivering. After a few deep breaths, he said with all the conviction his little body could muster... "WE WILL KICK CANCERS BUTT.... TO PLUTO!!!"

Our boy is AMAZING. and STRONG. The news of the relapse brought me to my knees, took the air from my lungs, and had me in a literal tail spin. All it took was those few words from our true warrior to bring the entire family into FIGHT mode. We are in the battle again... and ready to fight.

Thursday we will return to Primary Children's Hospital to have a port placed in Ryan's chest. And we will meet with his oncology team to discuss our plan of action. I know he can not have the same chemotherapy as he did before, and that is the only proven protocol that is known to kill Ewings. There are other chemos, and we will be trying them... but they do not have the track record of the protocol he was on before.  On Monday, Feb 2, he will begin his new treatment.

Statistics show that recurring Ewings, especially in the lungs, is very hard to fight. But statistics are just numbers. Warriors do not give up... Ryan has not given up.... our family is not giving up. I hope Ewings Sarcoma wants to travel in space... because that is exactly where Ryan is sending it!

Thank you all for being with us through our first "verse', and thank you for joining us in this second verse.  We are praying that it will be "same as the first" and that the outcome will be NED once again.  We can not do this without the support of the thousands of you that love our boy, and pray for him. You will never know what you have done for us.

With God, and you all on our side, WE WILL KICK CANCERS BUTT TO PLUTO!!

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